Benefits of DevOps and IT Operations Collaboration


Tame the Complexities of Collaboration Between DevOps and IT Operations

The process of obtaining accurate and tangible meaning from big data can be difficult. And when big data application developers and IT Ops staff don’t collaborate as well as they should the process gets even harder. This lack of collaboration can lead to bottlenecks, barriers, and wastefulness. The promise of collaboration between these teams leads to DevOps for big data. By collaborating across teams early in the process businesses can maximize the benefits of DevOps and IT operations collaboration.

The collaborative process of DevOps for big data provides developers an understanding of bottlenecks and gives suggestions for fixes throughout the process. As big data projects go into production, performance emerges as an important and complex component. For your big data project, you are most likely dealing with large, multi-tenant systems, very large data sets, and rapid changes in data. This is combined with the potential for a large number of people doing interactive work and decision support simultaneously.

Increase Solution Reliability and Ensure Scalability

However, you can tame this complexity by providing feedback earlier in the DevOps process. Metrics about resource utilization, contention for resources, and applications are important pieces of feedback for developers. IT ops can make use of data including cluster utilization, data volume, workloads, and response times.

By providing this type of information and sharing it across DevOps and ITOps teams at earlier stages in the process, you can decrease problems after production, increase your solution reliability, and ensure scalability.

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Big Data Performance Management – Maximize the Benefits of Collaboration Between DevOps and ITOps

Pepperdata big data analytics stack performance solutions help you to optimize the performance of your big data deployment and improve the collaboration of your team.

Learn More About Application Spotlight

Get a 360° view of all your applications—in the context of the big data cluster—all in one place. Application Spotlight provides:

  • Improved application runtime, predictability, performance, and efficiency

  • Improved resource utilization and developer productivity

  • Reduced troubleshooting time

  • Increased Developer awareness of cluster events that impact applications

Learn More About Platform Spotlight

Get a correlated view of cloud and on-premises infrastructure so you can quickly diagnose performance issues and make resource decisions. Platform Spotlight provides:

  • Detailed visibility in a single pane of glass

  • Chargeback: detailed usage data for every resource

  • Relevant metrics with real-time access

  • Alarms: real-time alerts for all platform metrics

Learn More About Capacity Optimizer

Automatically improve big data cluster performance without manual tuning. Capacity Optimizer provides::

  • Reduced costs while running more applications

  • Infrastructure resource optimization and continuous tuning

  • On-premises rightsizing

  • Cloud rightsizing

  • Up to a 50% throughput increase


Achieve Big Data Success

Pepperdata products provide a 360° degree view of your platform and applications with continuous tuning, recommendations, and alerting.

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Looking for a safe, proven method to reduce waste and cost by up to 47% and maximize value for your cloud environment? Sign up now for a free Cost Optimization Proof-of-Value to see how Pepperdata Capacity Optimizer can help you start saving immediately.