The Pepperdata product suite supports a variety of technologies and partners, both on premises and in the cloud. Pepperdata products help you optimize and significantly improve the performance of whatever technology you support in your big data ecosystem.
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Pepperdata helps your organization solve big data business challenges. Pepperdata teams up with trusted partners to deliver big data performance solutions that help our customers to drive business success in the cloud and on-premises. Working together, we can do more.
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Managing big data performance is riddled with interdependencies and complexity. Pepperdata helps you eliminate that complexity and optimize your big data ecosystem.
Apache Hadoop
Apache Hadoop is an open-source framework used to store and process large data sets across clusters. Enterprise versions of Hadoop include Amazon EMR, Cloudera Data Platform, Google Cloud Dataproc, and Qubole. Pepperdata makes Hadoop + YARN-based systems better by providing automated optimization and observability for the big data stack. Manual tuning has its limitations, but Pepperdata automates this task—so you can get back to working on your main project.
Apache Spark
Apache Spark is an open-source data processing framework. Spark is fast, but Pepperdata helps optimize your Spark usage so it goes even faster. With Pepperdata, you have the tools and the technology to help you monitor your Spark infrastructure, processes, workloads, and apps in real time. We also generate smart recommended actions to ensure your Spark infrastructure performs at optimal levels.
Apache Spark on Kubernetes
Pepperdata offers full-stack observability for Spark on Kubernetes, allowing developers to manually tune their applications, while autonomously optimizing the applications at run time. Kubernetes is a key part of the modern hybrid, multi-cloud architecture in today’s enterprises. Spark is the #1 big data application running on Kubernetes, according to a recent survey of enterprise users. As big data applications move from Spark on legacy systems to Spark on Kubernetes, the performance of these applications can change dramatically.
Apache Hive
Built on top of Hadoop, Apache Hive is an open-source data warehouse software. It facilitates reading, writing, and managing large datasets residing in distributed storage using SQL. Pepperdata empowers you to get even more out of your Hive queries. Our software provides insightful information on Hive query execution and database performance, so you can monitor and manage Hive performance easily.
Apache Kafka
Apache Kafka is an open-source stream-processing software platform designed to handle real-time data feeds as a unified, high-throughput, low-latency platform. Pepperdata optimizes its performance so you can do even more with the platform. We provide near real-time Kafka performance monitoring and metrics for clusters.
Apache Impala
Apache Impala is one of the leading players in interactive SQL query engines. Pepperdata ensures you get the most out of Impala’s performance. Our software empowers you to easily tune, debug, and optimize query workloads for better performance—on-prem and in the cloud.
Looking for a safe, proven method to reduce waste and cost by up to 47% and maximize value for your cloud environment? Sign up now for a free cost optimization demo to learn how Pepperdata Capacity Optimizer can help you start saving immediately.